to entry page
Everything I've learned about the investigation against me The continuous, intentional damage done by the investigators Legal steps I take to officially prove the investigation exists Necessary statements regarding my person and behaviours Resources related to legal topics, coping and other support for those in similar circumstances

/ Home Page
/ The Investigation
The Bank and FDIC
Nature of Investigation
Who is Involved?
Proof of Investigation
Objectives of Investigators
Fact vs. Fantasy
/ Harm to Person
The Anatomy of a Setup
Examples of Setup Attempts
Covert Druggings
Gang Stalking and Harassment
Rumors and Slander
A Myth of Mental Illness
/ Legal Processes
FOIPA Processes
Involvement of Witnesses
Possibility of Civil Suit
/ Personal Affirmations
Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll
Computers and the Internet
Regarding Memory Loss
/ Resources
FOIPA Resources
Gang Stalking Resources
/ Who the Hell is JBH?


Who is JBH?
the skinny!
site map
how to use this site